The Postgraduate Program in Information Science - PPGCI, has achieved approval in the Edital N° 16/2022 - PDPG - PÓS-DOUTORADO ESTRATÉGICO - PROGRAMA DE DESEVOLVIMENTO DA PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO (PDPG) - CAPES.
Project title "Theoretical and practical informational studies on sustainable development in the Amazon".
Obtained two post-doctoral fellowships and funding.

PROFILE (Program of Proficiency in Reading in Foreign Languages) is a university extension project, developed by the School of Modern Foreign Languages at the Federal University of Pará, which aims to certify, at the post-graduate level strictu sensu, the proficiency in reading in German, Spanish, French and English foreign languages, in the following broad areas of knowledge: Humanities and Applied Social Sciences; Linguistics, Literature and Arts; Health Sciences and Biological Sciences; Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences; and Exact Sciences, Engineering and Earth Sciences.

PROFILE has been serving its target audience (Master's and Doctoral candidates) since 2008, offering two sessions per year, usually in the months of May and October.

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The Master's in Information Science invites you to the LECTURE: "The challenges of training and professional development in the organization of knowledge", given by Profa. Dra. Natália Bolfarini Tognoli (UFF).

Data: 18/10/2022

Hora: 10h00

Local: ICSA/UFPA Auditorium